He Was Wounded (Isaiah 53) [free song]


Words by Chris Anderson; Music by Greg Habegger
© 2013 Church Works Media. All rights reserved.

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Words by Chris Anderson; Music by Greg Habegger

Verse 1: (Isaiah 52:13-15; 53:1-3)
Can it be? Who would believe? Our promised Prince lacked majesty:
Stricken hard, grotesquely scarred—no face was e’er so cruelly marred.
Ostracized, He was despised, as one from whom men hide their eyes.
Beauty free—a brittle tree—yet through Him God’s strong arm we see!

Chorus: (Isaiah 53:5)
He was wounded, He was wounded! Praise our Servant Sacrifice!
Hallelujah, Hallelujah! We are healed by Jesus’ stripes!

Verse 2: (Isaiah 53:4-6)
Though He groaned with pain His own, our griefs and tears He bore alone.
He was scourged as scoffers urged, and by His blood our guilt was purged.
Soldiers done, God hid the sun, then struck and crushed His precious Son;
For the sin of sheep-like men God chastened God, our peace to win.

Verse 3: (Isaiah 53:7-9)
Though distressed—by men oppressed—He uttered ne’er a mild protest;
Like a lamb, the great “I AM” said naught to those He might have damned.
Innocent, His soul was rent; eternal wrath on Him was spent!
In a cave, a borrowed grave, He lay for those He came to save.

Verse 4: (Isaiah 53:10-12)
As God willed His blood was spilled: the guilty spared, the guiltless killed.
Heaven’s King bore Heaven’s sting, was poured out as an offering.
Jesus died, was satisfied, thus many shall be justified.
Throne restored, His prayers outpoured; soon all shall bow to Christ the Lord!

© 2013 Church Works Media. All rights reserved.


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