To Live or Die [free song]
Text by Chris Anderson; Tune by Greg Habegger
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(Text by Chris Anderson; Tune by Greg Habegger)
To live is Christ—I long to spend
My might and time to worship Him.
I’ll give my all for Him who died
To bring a rebel to His side.
Lord, help me use my fleeting breath
To honor You, through life or death.
And when my heart drums its last beat,
I’ll lay my labors at Your feet.
To die is Christ—eternal gain,
To wake, and never sleep again.
I will not fear the feeble grave,
The pathway to my Savior’s face.
To live or die—it’s all the same;
For Christ consumes me, either way.
If I should live, I’ll live for Him,
And if I die, I’ll live again.
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