A must-read for anyone disheartened by modern fracturing within the body of Christ
The Scandal of Schism
schism [n.]
a split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion or belief
A Recovering Schismatic Speaks
In The Scandal of Schism, Chris Anderson draws from personal experience and biblical truth to tackle the pervasive issue of schismatic division within the church. Gain understanding of historical and contemporary causes of schism. Discover a pathway to reconciliation and biblical unity.
- written from pastoral experience, told as a personal journey
- includes helpful history of modern church movements
- addresses division among conservative evangelicals
- argues from Bible texts on schism, separation, and unity
- gives practical wisdom for Christians wearied by infighting
“But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another.”
Galatians 5:15

The Bible commands Christians to unite around the truth. And the Bible commands Christians to break unity for the sake of the truth.
Both unity and separation can be a matter of obedience to Scripture—or of disobedience. Christians, churches, and Christian organizations must carefully determine when they must cooperate with other believers, when they might, and when they mustn’t. It’s complicated. Thankfully, Scripture has a lot to say about unity, separation, and schism.

Anderson chronicles his journey from rigid separatism to a more balanced interpretation and application of biblical separation. I so resonated with this book’s message.

Michael Barrett
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary

Practical, balanced, and Scripture-saturated, this book speaks to all of us because of our innate tendency towards schism. May God help us to read with humility.

Conrad Mbewe
African Christian University, Lusaka, Zambia

Chris Anderson has written against the destructive spirit of schism and sectarianism. This book will challenge you with biblical perspective and godly discernment.

Cary Schmidt
Emmanuel Baptist Church, Newington, CT
Chris Anderson served as a pastor for twenty-five years—first as a church planter in Ohio and then as lead pastor in the Atlanta, Georgia, area. He served as a missions catalyst for Biblical Ministries Worldwide for three years and now works full-time as president of Church Works Media, which he co-founded in 2006. Chris is the author of multiple books, including The God Who Satisfies and Theology That Sticks. He is a contributing author and editor for Church Works Media’s popular Gospel Meditations devotional series; a frequent speaker in churches, colleges, and conferences; and a well-known hymn-writer of songs like “His Robes for Mine” and “I Run to Christ.” Chris and his wife Lori have four lovely daughters, two sons-in-law, and a beautiful granddaughter.
“I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions [skismata] among you.”
1 Corinthians 1:10
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