Grace to You [free song]


Free Congregational Sheet Music



“A few months back, Chris Anderson and I reconnected at a conference. He ‘just happened’ to have recently penned lyrics that he thought may fit my musical stylings. After a providential conversation, I happily got to work on merging his lyrics to a fitting tune. Thus, “Grace To You” was born a few weeks later! It’s a simple song that outlines three of the ways God’s grace is available to us: in our sin, in our sanctification, and in our struggles.”

Heather Schopf


from Forever Be Sure

Product Details
Included files:

Single page hymn lead sheet (print as full page) with guitar chords
Half page print spread (for bulletin insert/handout)

Included keys:

C (recorded), D


Downloadable PDFs (ZIP file)


Chris Anderson (words)
Heather Schopf (music)



Themes / Church Year:

Sustaining grace, sufficient grace, gospel, shame, sin, suffering, mourning


To hearts that sink in shame
When sin again has stirred,
To those who drown in blame,
The gospel has a word:
“Grace to you. Grace to you.”

To all who long to grow
But hate the things they do,
To those whose hope is low,
The Savior speaks to you:
“Grace to you. Grace to you.”

Grace that seeks, grace that keeps,
Grace sufficient to sustain the one who weeps,
Grace to break your sin’s embrace—
God’s relentless, boundless, endless, amazing grace.

To those who bear a thorn
Which God has not removed,
To all the ones who mourn,
The Father brings good news:
“Grace to you. Grace to you.”

Words by Chris Anderson; Music by Heather Schopf
© 2024 Forever Be Sure. All rights reserved. CCLI # 7247523